Ben Gurion University 2020 Project

"The ultimate test of Israel in our generation is not a struggle against hostile forces outside, but a takeover by force of science and pioneering, the wilderness land spaces of the south and the Negev." David ben Gurion
We are very proud to produce the Ben Gurion University 2020 creative vision presentation including the president's speech, films and stage performances
it's going to be unique and exciting

“It is in the Negev that the creativity and the pioneer vigor of Israel will be tested and this will be a crucial test”.

Apparently, the best way to predict the future is to invent it David Bn Gurion

Leadership is not a position in life. It is about action and example.
According to the Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam, humanity is instructed to take the necessary steps towards improving the state of the world and helping others, near and far.

Good Luck